Thursday, August 02, 2007

Ahh, the weekend....

I am not sure why babysitting this week has gotten to me, but it has. I am so glad that I don't have to tomorrow. And Jared will be home tonight, along with Dallin. Joshua leaves tonight. He is going to go on a weekend get away with his friend Matt and his family. It will be wierd for him not to be here. He has gone every day this week, into town to sell melons for the scout fund. He really enjoys it, and I appreciate that he wants to help.
So today as my "Good Intention", I made playdough for the kids. I am going to read them a story before bed. I am going to help them all say their prayers.
I also sent a sick friend a card. It was only an "e-card" but I think it counts.

1 comment:

Kari said...

The new car looks great, Lisa!! YAY!!!! And I must have missed this good intentions list. It sounds like such a GREAT IDEA! I may have to make one for myself. Thanks for the inspiration!!

And how did I miss that you are babysitting? That is always hard for me too, but sometimes we do what we have to do.

I hope you have a very relaxing and invigorating Sunday!