Monday, October 20, 2008

I won!

If you look on the right side of my blog there is a link to "Hip Mama's Place" where I frequent, and occasionally enter contests.

Well low and behold I won a MAJOR Prize!

No it wasn't a sexy leg lamp, it was this:
A Dynamo Label maker with all the fixin's!
YAY! Thank HMP!


{krista} said...

OH, aren't you just special? Those look super cool!

Kari said...

Wow! Good for you, Lisa! Now you can go about labeling everything and anything!! I actually have one of those things and I like it.

Denise said...

Score! That looks cool!

Shauna said...

Congrats! How awesome :)

Jen said...

Woohoo! DO NOT LAUGH, but my kitchen, the kids bathroom, my scrapbook area, everything is Dymo'd in this house, lol.

Heidi said...

You're so cool! Can I be you if I grow up! JEALOUS!